Saturday, October 1, 2011

Overcoming Breast Pain

Breast swelling, tenderness or pain every month, a new research reveals, changing diet can overcome this discomfort.

Preventing Cyst
Women aged one source of non cancer cyst breast pain for more than half of women at one time, which reduces the caffeine and chocolate 61% experienced a significant reduction in pain, according to Duke University study. Coffee, tea and chocolate contain methyl-xanthines, a natural stimulant that encourages the growth of cysts, clear Emily A. Kane, ND in the book Managing Menopuse naturally.

Overcoming Pain
Salt-rich sea grass that iodine is a delicious low-sodium alternatives. A new study shows, increase the iodine cope with breast pain in women with cysts. Iodine inhibits estrogen binding to cells of the breast tissue, a common cause of breast cysts, clearly Laurie Steelsmith,ND,. In the book Natural Choices for Women's Health. In America, salt, seaweed called dulse granules - sold in health food stores.

Overcoming Inflammation
Women who get palaing much omega-3 fatty acids, widely available in flaxseed, walnuts and oily fish, 67% less likely to suffer from non-cancerous cysts than those eating the least, according to the Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Omega-3 prevents the body producing prostaglandins, chemicals that cause inflammation that can cause cysts, clear Steelsmith.

Overcoming Bloating
Eat watermelon, cucumber, celery, paterseli or drinking the dandelion. Everything including natural diuretic that helps the body remove excess fluid, relieve discomfort caused sensitive breast tissue. This step is especially helpful in the days before menses, when hormonal changes increase the accumulation of fluid

Estrogen inhibits
Eat broccoli, but steam first. Research shows, steaming cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale and watercress increase levels of indole-3 carbinol, a compound that protects the breast from estrogen, a common trigger monthly breast pain. In fact, experts say, the protective efficacy of these compounds are very potent estrogen. Consume may lower breast cancer risk.

Feel Happier By Eating Fruit Salad
Fiber in fruits and vegetables bind excess estrogen, helps remove body, reducing the risk of breast pain.

Discussing Breast Cancer Myths
Stress does not increase breast cancer risk
Research has proven, even chronic stress did not increase nonstop cancer breast in women.

Indicates No Pain Problems
At least at 98% of cases, breast pain does not indicate anything serious. Nine out of 10 lumps found are not dangerous.

Bra Wire Under The Safe
There was no research that shows, under wire bras can cause breast cancer because it inhibits the circulation.

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